Certified Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer
Micala is a graduate of the Sudor Taino Instructor Training Program and has been a member since 2011. Through two pregnancies, not a day went by that she questioned her reason or purpose for being lead to Sudor Taino. She has always had a passion for fitness and Sudor Taino was her vessel to let it shine. Becoming a certified group fitness instructor, she learned so much about her true goals and passions. All of it has came to the surface by being a part of the unique, eclectic, and magnificent Sudor Taino tribe. She attended CCSU ( New Britain CT ) received BA in Communications & Psychology with a career in the insurance field for 20 + years. She also owns and operates a small commercial cleaning business. She is a firm believer in the Sudor Taino motto “Fitness & Life with Passion”!
Certified Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer
Certified Fitness Instructor & Personal Trainer
Running Coach & Certified Fitness Instructor
STGF Business Consultant