Sudor Taino ® is an exceptional group fitness studio, recognized for its faith and fitness ideology and innovative fusion classes. We are committed to providing our members with a non-judgmental atmosphere and expert instruction in order to provide an amazing experience.  We are committed to group lead classes that serve people of all levels.

As far as our name it derives from the word "Sudor" which means sweat in Spanish and "Taino" refers to the Taino Indian tribe that cultivated Puerto Rico.  Just as the Taino tribe cultivated the island with their sweat and hard work - we cultivate our tribe!

Sudor Taino was established in 2008 by Karla Medina.   She held many workshops and classes outdoors and in rented spaces until July of 2012 when she and her husband found a home at 635 New Park Avenue in West Hartford, Connecticut. Years later in 2020 amidst the rise of COVID STGF relocated to the Town of Berlin in an effort to provide a sanitary and more aesthetic space.  In September of 2020, STGF opened its doors at 220 Berlin Turnpike in Berlin, Connecticut where we are ready and willing to serve you with the same passion!

Cover for Sudor Taino Group Fitness by Karla Medina
Sudor Taino Group Fitness by Karla Medina

Sudor Taino Group Fitness by Karla Medina

An Innovative small group fitness studio with a faith & fitness ideology. We specialize in cardio kickboxing and high energy fusion classes. Our studio provides a nonjudgemental atmosphere with a friendly and supportive vibe with over 25 years experience.

It is two years today since we lost an intricate part of the heart of Sudor Taino- my Mom, Mama, Ms. Ana, Nana but we gained a heavenly angel to watch over our tribe with tenacity. We have no doubt that you are still rocking the heavens with your fiery energy and dance moves. We miss you so much and remain committed to keeping your faith and fire burning! May the Lord keep you resting in eternal peace where there is no pain and suffering. Until we meet again! We 🧡 you Mama! ...#sudortainogroupfitness #triballove #wewillmissyou #GainedAnAngel #TeamNana #lovingonourteam#groupfitness #berlinctfitness #itsallinberlin #mother #heartofthetribe #kingdombusiness ... See MoreSee Less
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Screaming Happy birthday blessings with a heavy drumbeat and wild tribal circle for STGF manager and the everything to everybody, and my sister-Jeannette! Thank you for being the heartfelt love, energy and loyalty throughout the years. You are such an intricate part of the STGF tribe. Thank you for continuing to bless us year after year with your support. We❤️you massively! May God continue to bless you abundantly!#sudortainogroupfitness #triballove #birthdayshout #lovingonourteam...#groupfitness #berlinctfitness #itsallinberlin #happybirthday #heartofthetribe #kingdombusiness ... See MoreSee Less
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Photos from Shelly Carter's post ... See MoreSee Less
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Many abundant blessings to you all. Although this year has been a year for many of us. Much of what you will not see from us is the true strength and courage built by the ins and outs of our lives. Remember to be kind, be mindful and carry God’s love and joy in your heart above all else. Let’s make 2025 about supporting and serving each other better with authenticity and sheer humility. How about we make that this year’s resolution and everything else will fall into place. Hope to see you at our New Year’s Day Bootcamp at 10 am! ... See MoreSee Less
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Can we share a truth with you? Finding different things that move you will result in a long term wellness plan instead of a short term January fix. Since we all gain and lose weight, get depressed and recover, get injured and face limitations, it is important to humble yourself; take time to remember the workouts, support, classes, meals and hydration plans that worked for you. Make a choice to Chase your personal wellness solution and not a popular new year resolution!At STGF we specialize in group fitness and believe that a workout is a template for life that will encourage you to make positive deposits into your life’s bank-the kind that will eradicate the negative ones! #newyearresolution #realsolutions #wellness #morethanjustaworkout #wellnesslooksdifferent #dontcompareyourself #createatemplateforlife #spiritmindbody #innovativeworkouts #varietyfitness #smallgroupclasses #berlinct #itsallinberlinct #itsallinberlin #berlinfitness #alllevels #findwhatmovesyou #freeclass #fightdepression #pourintoyou #getitin #anylevel #alllevels ... See MoreSee Less
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STGF 2021-Where Fitness & Faith Meet!

STGF 2020-One Tribe, One Vibe!